My Potty Pooper

Louis is poop-trained, meaning he poops in the potty almost every time. (60% of the time he poops in it every time 😊 just kidding) He might go in his diaper once or twice a week. I’m sure a lot of it has to do with his personality, but I actually started training him when he was about 8 months old. I started training him as soon as he could sit on the mini-potty, independently.

Recently, my grandfather died of Alzheimer’s disease. In his last few years, he resided in an awesome old folks home. Every morning, when he woke, the people who worked there, would put my grandfather on the toilet for ten minutes. They would do the same before bed. Eventually he started pooping during the time he was sitting on it. They rarely ever had to change poopy diapers. So, even though he was not speaking, or walking; and even though he was losing his mind, my grandfather still didn’t shit his pants (pardon my French). I was so impressed by this and thought it would be a great way to potty train a toddler. So, when Louis was able to sit up, I started routine training him.

First, I began by putting Louis on his potty every morning with his pajamas still on. His potty was right where I was getting ready for work, so I would brush my teeth and wash my face while Louis sat there. Every once in a while he would take a morning poop or pee while sitting there. After a couple months, I started sitting him there without his pjs. Sure enough, on the very first try without a diaper, he pooped right in the potty! I was so excited! I sang a poop in the potty song and cheered and cheered while I cleaned it up. After that, he pooped about twice a week in the potty, first thing in the morning. I just kept doing it, and he kept pooping.

Eventually, I started noticing he would grunt to tell me he had to poop, so I started taking him to the potty when he would grunt. That worked too, so I taught him how to sign “potty” by using Potty Time by the Baby Signing Time people. He started signing potty about 3 months after I started using the sign every day, so that took loads of time, but believe me, it was worth the wait.

I bought my mom the same potty to keep at her house because she takes care of him everyday while I’m at work. My mom misses his grunts and signs more often than me, because it looks a lot like the “milk” sign, but he doesn’t go number 2 as often at her house, so it’s okay. Also, when we are out and about running errands, Louis will poop in his diaper. I keep a baby potty seat in the car for long drives though. So Louis is not 100% trained yet due to my schedule.

So that’s it! Louis is a potty pooper! Now I just need to focus on number ones. 💚